Dec 10th, 2020
Look what just arrived.

Santa sent us a very special message with this bracelet. Would you be able to decode this secret code?
- - . .-. .-. -.– -.-. …. .-. .. … - - - .- …
Let me help you. Santa is using a well known secret code method used in telecommunication : the Morse code. His message was : MERRY CHRISTMAS
Today's challenge is for you to create a similar bracelet using Morse code or any other code you may like. You can even invent your own code !
Here is a picture of the International Morse code:

Let the fun begin !
Don't forget to share the link to your project, code or even a snapshot of your pixel art / 3D creations on social media with the hashtag #STEAMCuriousCalendar2020 and tag me with @steam.and.curious so we can all view your amazing work!