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#STEAMCuriousCalendar2020 - Day 2 - Some lights for Christmas

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Dec 2nd, 2020

🎄🎄 Great work on your Christmas Tree yesterday!

What is so special about them is the variety of decorations 🎊✨ and blinking lights we can add.

Our goal for today's challenge is to animate a scene where you can add blinking decorations using Scratch.

To do so:

  1. Choose a background scene or create you own. Note that it does not have to be Christmas related😊

  2. Select or draw your Sprite(s) that will be acting as decorations.

  3. Animate the Sprite(s) to make them blink!

  4. Share your story's project in STEAM & Curious Scratch Studio

  5. Share your story on social media with the hashtag #STEAMCuriousCalendar2020 and tag me with @steam.and.curious so we can all view your amazing work!

We'll publish sample code to help you. Meanwhile, here is are some link to couple of scenes we created :

How can I start animating stories using Scratch?

The first step is to get to ... Scratch !

Scratch is a coding platform you can access online but also offline depending on the type of device type you are using.

Second step, select a character for your story.

In Scratch, we call this character a "sprite". You can have multiple sprites if you like but let's start with one 😉

To help you on this first challenge, below are links to tutorials on how to create and animate a story using Scratch!

Let the fun begin !

Don't forget to share the link to your project, code or even a snapshot of your pixel art Christmas Tree on social media with the hashtag #STEAMCuriousCalendar2020 and tag me with @steam.and.curious so we can all view your amazing work!

Check other #STEAMCuriousCalendar2020 challenges

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